– Applications are due by March 12, 2025 –

Scholarships of $150 each are awarded annually to High School Seniors as approved by the Back Roads Boscobel Methodist Church Administrative Council.
Eligibility Requirements:
Any high school senior who will be attending a college or technical school
Preference will be given to:
Those who are currently active at a Back Roads Church Campus
Any senior pursuing a church related career
Completion of a letter which includes all the following information:
Full name
Grade Point Average
College or Technical school you will be attending
Major course of study you will be pursuing
List of school activities you have participated in
List of church, community, and any other out of school activities you have participated in
How you are currently active at a Back Roads Church Campus (examples: attending youth group, mission trips, worship, serving in other areas, etc.
A paragraph concerning your future personal and academic goals
A paragraph stating why you believe you should be considered for this scholarship
Letters of application must be delivered to the Back Roads Church office (during church office hours) or postmarked by the second Wednesday of March in order to be considered.
Scholarships are payable at the Back Roads Church office, at the beginning of the second semester of college or technical school upon presenting the following documents:
Copy of first semester grades showing a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.5
Proof of registration for second semester